Talk To Everybody You Know
Available on: Tingsek | Open in Spotify
An unhappy, tired man with a worried soul, told me that he never had any bad days before.
Until just a couple of weeks ago.
He stumbled on his memories and found some bad scenarios he thought he’d never seen.
Was it made up by himself, was it real or just a bad dream?
But now the presence of these feelings grow. So unreal to figure that out.
So low, oh no!
It’s time that you find some way to tell yourself about this, so you can cry.
That recalls your inner self in a day.
Ease your mind and talk to everybody you know.
And you will find that nothing is an illusion if you feel it.
It’s not just the action that makes things real. That’s the deal. You’ll heal.
So now he’s got confusion about his master plan.
It’s not as easy anymore. There are things so sore he can’t ignore.
Everybody’s got this bad cold that never comes out the nose unless you settle with your heart and soul.
It caught him with surprise and he might just assume that it will be easy to get it out.
That’s might help him break the ice and get it out like it’s never been around.
Just one blow, and he’ll know where to go!
Produced & Mixed by: Magnus Tingsek
Mastered by: Hoffe Stannow
Magnus Tingsek: Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Rhodes, Pianos & percussion
Johan Zaar: Drums
Sam Antosson: Congas