Our Song
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It’s hard to know how to be dealing with the company of a faded conclusion
It’s all over the place with me, the soul of your memory, a deflated illusion
So, what do I remember you for?
I’m stuck behind the choices that you made
I wish I’d see the man from before
Before you ran away, made your escape, gone for good
I’ll never know how you could
Despite the non-clarity, I know many times you’d really be there for me
More than most I know about, well it’s obviously coming back out, my memory
You would sit right next to me for hours while I was trying to learn another “Zeppelin song”
We built something that was just ours
Even though you didn’t say much, I could feel that you belonged in that room, with our song
Recorded, engineered and produced by Magnus Tingsek at Ljupet Studios, Malmö, Sweden 2019.
Arranged by Magnus Tingsek.
Creatively mixed by Carl Granberg.
Mastered by Hans Olsson Brookes.
Magnus Tingsek: vocals, backing vocals & guitar.
Caroline Karpinska: violins.
Gerda Holmquist: cello.